R408A mixing refrigerant gases for low temperature refrigeration systems

Product description

Product Description

Delivery Time:15-45 days

R408A mixing refrigerant gases for low temperature refrigeration systems

Retrofit:System components (TXVs, line sizes, compressors) offer similar performance with R-502 and R-408A and usually do not requre changing when retrofitting.

Retrofit Procedure

1. Establish baseline performance. Note the oil type in use and any system operating data (if system is operating properly). Check for existing leaks and identify any needed repairs.

2. Recover the existing refrigerant charge (DO NOT vent to atmosphere). Weigh the amount of refrigerant removed.

3. Perform any repairs identified in step 1 and fix any leaks.

4. Replace the filter-drier and, if necessary, elastomeric seals (O-rings, sight glasses, etc.). Verify the condition of the system oil; replace if necessary.

5. Evacuate the system (less than 500 microns) and ensure it maintains a vacuum. If vacuum is lost, it may indicate that leaks are present in the system.

6. Charge system with R-408A refrigerant. Remove refrigerant as liquid only from cylinder. The charge ratio should be approximately 85-90% of the charge weight for R-502.

7. Adjust TXV set-point and/or refrigerant charge to achieve the desired superheat.

8. Monitor oil level in the compressor. If necessary, adjust oil amount to attain normal operating level (mid-sight glass).

9. Label system clearly, indicating the type and amounts of system refrigerant and oil.


Property of chloride :

Molecular Weight


Boiling Point, °C


Critical Temperature, °C


Critical Pressure, Mpa


Specific Heat of Liquid, 30°C, [KJ/(kg°C)]






Quality standard :

Purity, %


Moisture, PPm


Acidity, PPm


Vapor Residue, PPm



Colorless, clear



Applications:R-408A is a retrofit solution for medium and low temperature refrigeration systems that are currently using R-502. R-408A should not be mixed with R-502 or used to top off the charge of an existing system operating on R-502.

Competitive Advantage:

1.R408a Refrigerant of all specifications

2.OEM is accepted

3.Purity 99.8%


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Beijing Starget Chemicals Co.,Ltd

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