Product description
Point of attention:
1.Pls chose sunny, gentle breeze to seeding.
2.It will take yellow macula after sprayed by the leaves for north barley .For plant height t will take slightly inhibited phenomenon.Half month will recovery growth without any effect for production.
3.Influence of dosage effect when using on lager foliar age for weeds of tillering date.
4.Spraying must be thoughtful,prevent overdosage and drain .
5.Max usage:Each season use 1 time
6.Pay attention to the protection,such as wearing masks,protective cap and so .use the clean water washing and
change clothe immediately after spraying finished.
7.Pregnant and lactation period should stay away from the drugs.
Emergency of poisoning:
Poisoning showing: The product of poisoning belongs to metabolicacidosis, nausea, vomiting, following appear sleepiness,limb numbness,muscle tremors,convulsions,coma and respiratory failure.
Emergency measures: If splashed the drugs into eyes or skin,pls washing with water immediately. If inhaled
poisoning, pls move to the clean air immediately.If taken the poisoning by mistake,
pls emetic and washed out the stomach immediately. taken to the hospital for treatment. Don't use warm water wash out the stomach,pls use activated carbon and laxative.
Storage and transport:
1.Transport:Pls avoid light, rain, direct sunlight, anti-bumping, antileakage. If leakage occurs, pls using saw dust
and sand clean and let it parch. After steam cleaning it again to avoid the pollution of the environment. Pls covered with sand and fire extinguisher when it fire. Prohibition of use water.
2.Stored transport avoid to touching with the product. Stored in a dry ,cool and ventilated place. Put the place
where children can't touch. Don't transport with food ,seed and feed
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