QT-LS02 Leaf Analysis System
Product description
Product description and Features:
QT-LS02 Leaf Analysis System is a leading software for leaf analysis. This software is smart, accurate, multipurpose, simple to use, and can meet the demands of most users. QT-LS02 can accurately measure leaf area, perimeter, length and width. The system can intelligently realize the measurement of a single leaf or multiple leaves and then analyze total leaf area, leaf average length, average width and average length-width ration, average perimeter. In addition, this software can fast classify leaf scab area, pest damaged area, and leaf color analysis. This version is an official release, with a major embellishment and update based on beta version, such as artificial auxiliary measurement, color grading analysis, specifically, Lab color space Comparative analysis, Image optimization, and image export processing results. Especially, ‘magical selection’ function is added to the scab analysis module and then realize clustering of area with various colors.
The main interface:
QT-LS02 Leaf Analysis System provides a user-friendly main interface to help you complete various measurements.
QT-LS02 Leaf Analysis System
Function description
Automatic analysis
automatic identification of a single leaf or multiple leaves and measurement
Manual analysis
customized analysis area and analysis for more accurate results
Segmentation of petiole
Identification of petioles by manual analysis
Noise reduction
Reduction in noises and improvement of image analysis accuracy
Auxiliary measuring tool
Ruler: measurement of the distance between any two points on the leaf
Protractor: provision of angular measurements
Lab color analysis
Provision of Lab analysis result and comparison of Lab results of any two images
Blade-damaged leaf analysis
Analysis of the area of blade-damaged leaves
Leaf scab analysis
Clustering analysis of leaf color and scab obtaining
System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP/ Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Linux/Unix, etc. Windows 7 is recommended.
Recommended configuration: CPU 2.0GHz, RAM 4GB, hard disk space 250GB
This software can run without installation. Insert the disc into the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM, then copy the whole directory to the local hard disk.
Image input device: 5 Megapixel camera, 1800×3600 dpi scanner.
For more information, please contact us.
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