Product Description
Features: 1) Box #1: inner box with 275 BC or AC double wall FOL top and bottom corrugated box, plain, unprinted 2) Box #2 (1 set): 2 parts-top and bottom main box, fabric laminated, includws 8 brass protection corners 3) Box #2/2AB cover (1 set): 2 parts top AND bottom lids for consumer use loose fit,solid printed,foldable 4) Box #3-(1) outer wrap, advertising retail store wrap, fully printed serves as a casing to fabric box. Production to be the corrugated version 5) Band (1) outer advertising wrap. (Cigar band) fully 4 color printed and coated, 13- 1/2 wide wrap around box #2 6) Strip (2) acetate security bands, plain unprinted-supplied by Creoh 7) Handles: 1 wide satin fabric handles, glued together 8) Glued pad: double layer 3mm pad glued together (to secure satin handles, under flaps of CB-3051) 9) Box #4: outside box