Top quality wooden beehive manufacturer
Product description
The description of beehive:
Beehive is an important production tools of science apiculture. Application living box hives beekeeping, can open the hive at any time, take out the comb, understand the swarm, observingthe life activities of bees, and may, according to need production of bee products, and good for farming.Hives placed in the open air for a long time, can withstand the wind and rain, the sun.
Three types of beehives can be provided:
1. One level beehive
Accessories: with upper cover, bottom board, inner cover, bottom box.
2. Two levels beehive
Accessories: with upper cover, bottom board, inner cover, bottom box and super box.
3. Beehive with metal roof
Accessories: with metal roof, upper cover, bottom board, inner cover, bottom box and super box.
If you need queen excluder and other accessories, we also can provide.
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