Tanzania Poultry Farm Hot Galvanized Cage & A Type Battery Cage Layer Breeding Chicken Cage/Coop for Poultry Farm
Product description
It is designed for open or closed breeding chicken house with manual mating operation.the male breeders usually equipped by automatic feeding and drinking system,egg collection system and climate control system(if close house);the male chicken fed manually because the male breeders usually need different feed as the female chickens.
● This system designed that female and male breeders in different cages,because the manual mating is easier to control and better insemination.
● compared with free range, this system is easier for collecting eggs and reduce egg breakage rate,also can keep high cleanliness.
● there two birds in each cell.which is cost less and more convenient to conduct artificial insemination than the H type broiler & layer breeder cage system.
● male and female have different cages,all breeders have enough space for moving.
● it is same as the other A frame type cage system which has better ventilation.
● and there must be different or special dimension of the cage dimension because of different breeders,and the OEM dimension cages are available from us.the cage dimension of normal breeding cage with the dimension as showed here:
cage dimension(mm) | cell nos | birds/cell | cm2/bird | (sq.in.)/bird | birds/tier | birds/set | cage tier | |
female:1700*400*400 | 2 | 4 | 850 | 132 | 16 | 32 | 2 tiers | manual |
male:1950*400*500 | 6 | 1 | 1300 | 202 | 12 | 24 | mating |
It is same automatic egg collection system as the layer cage system,and 3 tiers are preferable by farmers.and it can be linked with the egg conveyors which can transfer the breeding eggs to the egg storage room.
● this female cage can be equipped with automatic feeding system,both the automatic feeding hoppers and chains are optional by farmers.the female birds is usually 3 tiers which is easy to observe and make the insemination and prevention operation.
● the male breeder is bigger and the cage height is 500mm,thus the different cage dimension with the female breeder cages.the male chicken cage system usually is manual feeding with the automatic drinking system,easy to control.
This system is A frame cage design,thus,the scraper manure removal system is suitable for manure cleaning from the manure pits outside.the manure conveyor available if needed.
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