NEW Chain Bucket Gold Dredger FACTORY

Product description

Product Description


china coastal dredging equipment cutter suction dredger bucket dredgers


Short Introduction:



Cutter Suction Dredger(CSD) is the most widely used engineering ship in dredging works and sand production. The rotary cutter head at the inlet of the suction pipe cuts and loosens the sand/mud layer to form sand-water mixture of a certain consistency. The pump uses its centrifugal force to suck the mixture and then transport it to the depository through the discharge pipe. The digging and transporting are progressing at the same time. CSD is of ideal dredging depth, long discharge distance, high efficiency and low cost. 


 Bucket Chain Dredger

 Chain dredge is equipped with a series of bucket chains. The bucket chains move continuously on the bucket bridge driven by the upward guide roller. The buckets dig mud underwater and bring the mud above the water surface.Draw in or draw out the anchor cables forward,backward,leftwards or rightwords to move the hull to corresponding directions to continue the mud dredging work.The dredged mud is first elavated to the top of the bucket tower and then discharged from the mud flowing gutter.
  Chain dredge has a strong environmental adaptability.It can dredge sorts of mud and sand except rock.It has a large working capacity.The dredging section has a regular shape.The error is minimal.Chain dredge can be apply to watercourse dredging project as well as port and wharf.

  Chain Dredge (chain-bucket dredger) can carry out the procedure of digging, filtering,washing and classifying at the same time and put out qualified clean sand and rock products which are perfect material for construction uses. Diesel Engine or Diesel-Electric Propulsion.Capable of dealing with four kinds of aggregate. Can be equipped with river gravel crusher as well as gold fossicking and iron sand extracting equipments. Capable of progressing second washing.


 Gold Dredger

 Yuanhua Gold Dredger can be widely used in watercourse and near shore where contains gold richly. It is of high automation,high efficiency and high gold selecting precision.Easy to operate.Easy to disassemble.It works continuously.

  After excavating,the raw ores are sent into the first selecting hopper.After filtration, ores with the granularity of more than ±50mm are dumped through the conveyer belt and ores with the granularity of less than ±50mm are transported to the hopper room and then into the beater cylinders evenly. The ores are mixed in the beater cylinder by a hinge teeth and washed by a high-pressure water jet to wash away the clay. Then the ores are  sifted by grading sieves(the sieve mesh depends on the actual placer gold granularity).Heavy ores fall down to the automatic wash-dressing machine through the sieve meshes. After automatic wash-dressing,the ores are sent into the precise gold concentration machine(jigger+centrifugal concentrator) to carry on the selecting procedure. At the end, the output products are high purity heavy mineral metal--gold dust , tungsten , tin , red iron , brown iron , manganese , titanium , etc.



Small Self-propelled Sand Dredger

The water jet and rubber hose go down underwater.

The water jet shoots strong water flow into the sand layer to loosen it.

The Sand Pump pumps the sand into the cabin through the hose.

Sand and stones are separated through the sieve.

The propeller moves the ship to the near shore.

The bottom of the cabin opens and dumps the sand near the shore.

 A small ship with pump would then suck and dump the sand onto the shore. 


Different model works most efficiently in different environment under different condition

Contact me with more information on your working condition and requirements and I'll suggest a solution


Dredgers' characteristic



Cutter Suction Dredger

Bucket Dredger

Submersible Pump Dredger

Hopper Sand Dredger

Capacity Range

100-600 m3/h


100-600 m3/h


Max Dredging Depth







Conveyer Belt


Bottom Door Opens

 Inform me your reqirements and working conditions to get a customized solution


Cummins Engine

     The dredgers are equipped with world famous powerful Cummins engine, which are famous for its durability, lower oil consumption, standardized accessories and easy maintenance.

Hydraulic system

     Hydraulic system: the most important parts of cutter suction dredger and wheel bucket dredger. The hydraulic system requirements are very high and strict; it’s the main artery of the entire dredger. Lateral traction winches, lifting winch and cutter head of the dredgers are driven by hydraulic motors.

     An integral hydraulic system includes hydraulic oil tanks, hydraulic pump, hydraulic valve manifold, solenoid valve, hydraulic pipes, hydraulic components, electrical actuator and so on.

Detachable Structure

     The cutter suction dredgers are detachable, so it is easy to transport when delivering or moving from one working site to another.

Assembly & Staff Training

     Our experienced installers will arrive at the construction site to guide, teach and training your staff to debug and operate the dredger until they can operate skillfully by themselves.

Quality Assurance

     One-year Quality warranty


     Cutter suction dredger , the hull uses dismountable and box-like structure , which equipped with horizontal shifting devices, cutter lifting devices, spud devices , deck crane and so on  . It can  also be equipped with anchoring poles and trolley devices. Widely used in dredging , conveying and discharging of mud or sand. It cna produce certain amount of vacuum by the centrifugal pump.



NEW Chain Bucket Gold Dredger FACTORY 




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Qingzhou Yuanhua Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

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