High Strength Nylon Monofilament Fishing Line, 0.20mm -1.0mm, 1000m Hankle Pack, Most Soft and Transparent, 3USD/Kg

Product description

Product Description

Mian size:

Monofilament fishing line:0.10mm-1.0mm-2.0mm-2.5mm-3.0mm-3.5mm-5.0mm,

                                          0.15mm -0.20mm-0.25mm-0.30mm-0.35mm-0.40mm-0.50mm-0.60mm, 1kgs-2kgs /spool

                                                   0.30mm-1.2mm 100m-300m-500m-1000m-5000m coil/hankle package.

                                                   1.0mm-5.0mm 5000m-10000m wooden spool

Multifilament fishing line:210d/2ply-48ply

PE Braided Wire Line:4-6-8-9 stands 100m-300m-500m-1000m

Previous:Monofilament fishing line,1kg-2kg/Spool, Used Germany Basf Nylon Material, Most Shiny and Transparent, 4USD/Kg for Europe Markets

Next:Lowest Prices Nylon Fishing Nets for Sale! Blue Color.0.20mm-0.25mm-0.30mm-0.35mm-0.40mm-0.50mm

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