Nematodes for disposal in a natural way of plant extracts
A naturalplantextractsecurity Destroys thenematodeand activates thegrowth ofnew rootsandfeeds theplantis generallyused for allplants Active substanceextracted frommedicinal plants Given theimpressive resultsanalysis80:100%can be observedAlnajhview of theplantis workingto increase theproduction rateand earlymaturity How to use Shake wellis Is injected5 litercontainersofacresplacedin theirrigationPtnkAsamadhin the lastquarter of an hourofirrigation andplantafterbeingstarvedofdaysto 3daysuntil youtake advantage of theactive substanceand does notmixanyfertilizerAhumadhotherthrough the process ofinjection Kiffamonitor the outcome ofinjection Isdiscerniblefrom the soilsampleprior to injectionand analysis ofa sampleis thentaken itfrom the soilfour daysafter injectionand analyzedby comparing theanalysisresult was clearthe impact oflethal3 Validityof 5 yearsfrom the date ofproductionlistedon the packaging