Brahea Edulis "Guadeloupe Palm" 160/200 rootballed

Product description

Product Description


Exotic hardy palm tree similar to Brahea Armata but with green colored palms

Brahea edulis (Guadalupe PalmPalma de Guadalupe)

We produce this plant in one of our nursery located in Cartagena region (Spain)

Native to Guadalupe Island off of the Western coast of Mexico. The Guadalupe Island Palm is now grown worldwide as an ornamental.

The plant prefers light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils, requires fast draining soil, and will grow in nutritionally poor soil. This Palm, prefers acid, neutral, and basic (alkaline) soils. It will not grow in the shade. It requires dry or moist soil.  Trees are quite wind and salt hardy. They thrive in drier subtropical conditions and don't do as well with constant humidity. Grow in almost any soil type, water is need infrequently, and once extablished, the plants need little or no care. Propagation: By seeds, which take 3-6 months to germinate.

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