Chamaerops Humilis

Product description

Product Description


Mediterranean palms producer and exporter. We provide best quality Palm trees, citrus trees, Olive trees and others.

Chamaerops humilis is also known as European fan palmMediterranean dwarf palm or dwarf fan palm.   It is the only palm species native to continental Europe. It is mainly found in southwestern Europe and  It is the northernmost naturally occurring palm in the world.

It is a shrub-like clumping palm, with several stems growing from a single base. The stems grow slowly and often tightly together, eventually reaching 2–5 m tall with a trunk diameter of 20–25 cm.  C. humilis is used in gardening and landscaping.

It is adapted to a Mediterranean climate with cool, moist winters and summer drought, and can grow on poor and rocky soils. It is one of the hardier palms, tolerating winter frosts down to about −12°C.

We produce chamaerops humilis small and medium size directly in pots with peatmoss (not soil) and we can also provide Chamaerops Humilis Specimen in mesh very big sizes and more than 6 stems.


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