Rice Bran Oil
Product description
The Company is using physical refining process to refine this health friendly oil so as to preserve the nutrients
which would otherwise be lost due to the use of chemicals. Following are the drawbacks of chemically refined RBO.
Drawbacks of Chemical Refining Process
» High Polltion
» Uneconomical for refining high FFA oils such as RBO
» Loss of Nutrients such as “Oryzanol”
Due to all these drawbacks Ricela Health Foods Limited (formerly known as Ricela Group of Industries) decided to do R&D to develop a physical Refining process to refine this healthy oil without loosing essential nutrients. Due to the efforts made we were able to develop a Physical Refining process for this oil whose process patent is in the name of our C.M.D Mr. A.R Sharma. The oil produced from physical refining is more nutrient rich and there are less process losses.
The time has come when you should change your cooking oil. It is a need of every household to bid farewell to expensive olive oil and get it replaced with Rice Bran oil. Your ears must be getting to know about it for the first time thinking that it may be new in the market, but it has always been lying on the supermarket shelves. However, it was all because of media-driven tendencies that it failed to receive the attention.
It is unique, healthy edible oil ranked as one of the best cooking oils by the noted nutritionists. Many edible oil manufacturers in India are of the view that it is a great heart-health promoter, and is made from the brown layer of the rice which is removed when the white rice is formed. Further, according to them the oil’s advantage over its contemporaries such as canola oil, soybean oil, grape seed oil, peanut oil and olive oil is a great deal of curiosity. However, everybody is keen to know that why it is a great choice as a sole cooking medium.
Ricela or Rice Bran Oil is undeniably “The World’s Healthiest edible oil”. It is because it is rich in anti-oxidants, nutrients and is 100% fat-free. Unlike its competitors that are delicate and flavorful it is some step ahead in terms of benefits. Hence it majors in lowering body’s cholesterol level, improves the immunity, helps fight against body’s free radicals as well as fight other diseases for a healthy and hearty growth of the body.
Some of the key attention-grabbing of this healthy edible oil encompass that it is high in MUFA (Monounsaturated Fatty acids). Further, the oil is bland and neutral in taste and has a high smoking point of 254 degrees Celsius that stops it from breaking down to form poisonous substances. There is no reason that you can’t afford Ricela in your kitchenette. It is the most balanced and versatile oil frequently available in the market, and is believed to be smart frying oil which does not offer any remaining after taste.
India is one of the major producers of Rice Bran. According to Edible oil manufacturers country produces over 900,000 tones every year, and is a chief exporter to other countries like Thailand, Korea, Japan and China. Further, they also revealed that as its nature is light and taste delicious it is easily picked up for salad dressings and baking. Nonetheless, it is also used in soap making and detergents and is a supplement to animals like horses and dogs.
More you speak less seem are the benefits as told by the trusted edible oil manufacturers in India. It is highly recommended healthy cooking oil that can turn any food into a gastronomical delight. Since its inception in 1992 it is considered as a revolution in the world of cooking oils for being reasonably priced and richness in multiple nutrients.
1. It supports wrinkle reduction as well as improves your skin tone.
2. It has anti-cancer and anti-thrombotic properties due to the presence of vitamin E.
3. The presence of vitamin E also maintains balance of nervous system.
4. The ferulic acid helps encourage hormonal secretion followed by rejuvenation of overall health.
5. It cooks healthier food due to low oil absorption.
6. According to the edible oil manufacturers this oil also cleans your blood vessels because of balanced ratio of MUFA.
7. It is a heart-friendly cholesterol lowering oil available in four pack sizes (1 ltr ph, 2 ltr jar, 5 ltr jar, 15 ltr jar).
If we look at the fat composition of various edible oils commonly used in India & abroad, we shall find that there are very few edible oils which have balanced fat composition closer to the latest recommendations (see chart below).
Latest Recommendations by: National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Hyderabad –
a premier Nutrition Research Institute of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Government of India
» Butter Fat (Desi Ghee), Hydrogenated Fat (Vanaspati Ghee) and Palm Oil have high levels of saturated fats than the recommended levels. Hydrogenated Fats also contain undesirable Trans-fatty acids (also known as trans-fats). Hydrogenated fats are considered worse than even saturated fats as recent scientific studies have shown that hydrogenated fats not only raise bad cholesterols but also reduce good cholesterols. U.S.A. has introduced new rules from January, 2006, for discouraging the use of hydrogenated fats. The recent guidelines for ideal Fat Intake issued in Jully, 2006 by the National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad (India), also suggest avoiding hydrogenated fats as cooking fat source.
» Safflower Oil (Kardi Oil), Sunflower Oil, Soyabean Oil, Corn Oil and Cottonseed Oil contain very high levels of the Poly-unsaturated fats (PUFA) than the recommended levels.
» Mustard Oil no doubt has a near ideal fat composition but unfortunately most of the varieties of Mustard Oil/Rapeseed Oil found in India have very high levels of erucic acid ranging from 35 to 48%. Recent studies conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi (India) have found that high levels of erucic acid present in the Mustard Oil could hamper the conduction of electrical impulses in the heart. The study has attributed high incidence of pace-maker implant in the eastern India to the consumption of Mustard Oil as a sole-cooking medium. In view of these findings ICMR now recommend not to use mustard oil as a sole cooking oil rather to use it in combination with some other oil so that the total intake of erucic acid is reduced. Regulations in U.K. also prohibit sale and use of fat with more than 5% erucic acid. Canola Oil is a low erucic acid (>2%) variety of Rapeseed Oil which is manily found in Canada. Although it has an ideal fat composition closer to the latest recommendations but it is adviseable to use this oil for salad dressing or in pickles but not as a frying medium as it has very high levels (10%) Linolenic Acid (Omega-3). Regulations in France, Belgium and Chile limit the linolenic acid content of oils to be used for frying to 2%.
» Olive Oil is another edible oil which has near ideal fat composition. But Olive Oil is also not suitable for frying application as it has very low smoke point (180ºC). It is normally used in European Countries for salad dressing and is a very expensive also. So both Canola Oil and Olive Oil although have near ideal fat composition but these oils cannot be recommended under Indian conditions where the oils are mainly used for frying.
» Another edible oil which has near ideal fat composition is Groundnut Oil (Peanut Oil). But Groundnut Oil like Canola Oil and Olive Oil lacks some antioxidants and nutracenticals (Oryzanol & Tocotrienols) which are unique to Rice Bran Oil because of which Rice Bran Oil have shown to provide better protection against coronary heart disease than any other edible oil by helping maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
Now with this we can establish this that the Rice Bran oil is the only edible oil which reaches the nearest to the given recommendations.
Kitchen Functionality of RBO: | |
Now as we already know that Rice Bran oil is the only edible oil which reaches the nearest to the given recommendations. Also by the below chart in which we have compared Rice Bran Oil with the majorly used edible oils as on the level of Natural Antioxidants (antioxidants play a very vital role in the cholesterol management), it will be more clear why Physically Refined Rice Bran oil shall be the most preferred oil.
Comparison of natural antioxidants in edible oils
Physically Refined Rice Bran Oil | 223 | 485 | 10,000 | 10,708 |
Chemically Refined RBO | 81 | 336 | 2000 | 2417 |
Olive | 50 | 0 | 0 | 50 |
Canola | 770 | 0 | 0 | 770 |
Sunflower Oil | 510 | 0 | 0 | 510 |
Soybean Oil | 726 | 0 | 0 | 726 |
Palm Oil | 256 | 149 | 0 | 405 |
Groundnut | 487 | 0 | 0 | 487 |
* ppm. stands for parts per million
Source- as per Bailey Volume-2
From the above comparison chart it is very clear that Rice Bran oil is a far superior oil than any other oil as far as cholesterol management is concerned as it has more than 10 times antioxidants (which reduces bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol) than any other edible oil. It is due to these nutraceutical elements, that Rice Bran Oil today is recognized as health oil all over the globe.
Human trials conducted in the National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabd- a premier nutrition research institute of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Government of India, have confirmed significant reduction in total cholesterol particularly the triglyceride levels by using Rice Bran Oil (RBO) as compared to conventional cooking oils. (see table below)
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(Source:- Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 10. No. 6, 593-601 (1991), available on ) | |||||||||
Studies conducted in the Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysore –a premier research institute of the Government of India had shown significant reduction of bad cholesterols (LDL + VLDL) and increase in good cholesterols (HDL) in rats fed with Refined Rice Bran Oil for 11 weeks as compared to rats fed with Groundnut Oil although the fat composition of both the oils is almost similar. The study has attributed the better cholesterol lowering ability of Rice Bran Oil to its unique “Oryzanol” and some other components present in it. | |||||||||
Studies conducted in Taipei Medical University, Taiwan, have shown that Rice Bran Oil is effective in increasing insulin sensitivity in case of Type 2 Diabetes. | |||||||||
(Source : American Society for Nutrition J.Nutr. 136: 1472-1476, June 2006 abstract available on /cgi/content/abstract/136/6/1472) | |||||||||
A latest study conducted by Japanese researchers and published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Vol. 54, pp.1914-1920) have shown that rice bran fractions appear to have a beneficial dietary component that could lower blood pressure. |
Why only “RICELA” Brand of Rice Bran Oil ?
1. “Ricela” is a golden coloured edible oil refined through the latest Physical Refining Process(Patented). Unlike other Refining oil NO Caustic oracid is used in this process.
2. The company has bagged National Award-2007 for R&D efforts in developing Physical Refining Process. The award was given by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh on 31st August, 2008.
3. The company has bagged National technology Award-2009 for successfully commercialising the indigenously developed technology ofEnzymetic degumming which has now replaced the earlier existing acid degumming process. The award was given by the Hon’ble Excellency Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam on the occasion of National Technology Day function on 11th may, 2010 at New Delhi.
4. The companies, Chairman-cum-Managing Director Mr. A.R Sharma received the First National Award-2009 for outstanding efforts in entrepreneurship from Her Excellency Smt. Pratibha Patil, Hon’ble President of India on 31st August, 2010 at New Delhi.
5. Our brand has been awarded the best brand in the Rice Bran oil category by Globoil India -an International conference on vegetable oil industry held at Mumbai on 23rd September, 2006.
6. Meets “Zero” Trans-Fat standard. Ricela is produced under specific process conditions to ensure “zero” trans-fats as per National and international Standards.
7. Meets International Food Safety Standards. Ricela is regularly tested for residual pesticides and is confirmed to be completely free from residual pesticides. The plant and Process is certified as HACCP which is an International Standard of Food Safety.
8. Our R & D Lab is a DSIR approved Lab.
The quality of our oil starts with the testing of our bran to insure that only the best raw material is used. The equipment used to extract and refine our oil is the best available and two onsite labs continually check for quality and consistency. Thus we are committed to bring you the best possible product and service.
We at ARG ENERGY are committed to pack and export highest quality of Refined Rice Bran Oil based on the customer needs. The company enjoys the distinction of being pioneers in development of unique process of refining for production of refined rice bran oil. The refined rice bran oil produced by this process is rich in natural anti-oxidants and nutrients having scientifically proven cholesterol lowering properties. The company has an excellent, quality control and DSIR approved R&D Laboratory having world class testing and development infrastructure with well qualified staff. To cater to consumer pack market, our company has a state of art packaging division with a capacity of packing over 400 MT per day.
- SKUs raging from 200ml to 15 kg bottles, pouches, tins and Jars.
- 200 litre drums
- 820/1000litre intermediate bulk containers
- 20 to 24 MT flexi bags/tanks.
- 100% pure Rice Bran Oil
- Blend of Rice Bran Oil with Canola/Olive Oil etc
- Refined Cotton Seed Oil
- Refined Sunflower Oil
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