
Product description

Product Description


Henna is a leaf of small shrub of an Indian plant, dried,powdered and used as body tattooing & hair color. The roots are bitter, refrigerant, depurative, diuretic. Henna is popular with women. Aromatic essence is prepared from henna and it is applied to color the nails as also palms.Henna is used as protection against sun, to soothe sunburn and to reduce body temperature. The flowers have stimulant, narcotic properties and act as a tonic to the heart and nerves.it contain chemical components are lawsone, esculetin, fraxetin, isoplumbagin, scopoletin, betulin, betulinic acid, hennadiol, lupeol, lacoumarin, quinone and napthaquinone.

Benefits & Uses

Henna is best known as a natural dye for the hair.

Heena flowers are intellect promoting and useful in cephalagia, burning sensation, insomnia and fever.

Leaf contains the compound lawsone, which is active against many fungi and bacteria.

Heena seed have a tonic and nutritive value.

Heena Leaves are useful in wounds ulcers strangury cough, bronchitis, dysentery etc.

Repels some insect pests and mildew.

In hot climates, henna is used as protection against sun, to soothe sunburn and to reduce body temperature.

Henna also helps in the treatment of small pox in its early stages.

Previous:Galangal powder


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