Argentina Roasted Soy Beans

Product description

Product Description

Specifications: Roasted soy bean - description: Peeled roasted soy bean. - varieties: Whole bean or sectioned bean (cut in 8 parts) - presentation: Bags of 20 KG. - product useful life:12 months. > trypsine inhibitors: Inactive. The enzymatic activity has been cancelled by heat. > taste: Enzymes are cancelled during grinding. Later on, the beans are flavored by a magnetic charge where the bean travels through a conveyor belt with a negative charge and the flavor is sprayed with a positive charge. Available flavors are salt, onion and bacon among others. Uses: Full bean: - flavored snacks (peanut replacement) - fillings on sweet bakery Sectioned bean: - cake toppings - cereal bars - ice creams - candy > production process: - classification and cleaning of the beans. Very important to assure the quality of the final product. - thermal treatment with dry air by which all non-nutrient components are cancelled and the pealing process can proceed easily. - peeling by impact, obtaining the bean and the shell which are later separated by a sucking device. - precooking in industrial pressure tanks. - roasting process. - flavoring process > features and advantages of the peeled roasted soy bean: - less fat percentage than peanuts. - longer useful lifetime, even when the wrapping is opened. - because of having a protein content of 43% it increases the protein content of the final produce. - thanks to a greater amount of lysine and valine, it can compensate an aminoacid deficit in cereals.

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