PG TIPS 240 Bags Per Box

Product description

Product Description

  • Strong black tea best drunk with milk
  • Made from the highest quality and most flavourful top two leaves and bud of the tea plant
  • Pyramid shaped teabag acts like a miniature teapot giving the leaves more room to move
PG tips tea 240 bags with only 0.5g fat and around 14 calories in an unsweetened cup of refreshing PG tips with a splash of semi-skimmed milk.
Arthur brooke launches in the uk tea market under the name of pre-gest-tea. Grocers abbreviate it to PG and the company adds tips to highlight the fact that PG uses the top two leaves and a bud to make its tea. Scientific studies have linked drinking tea to the maintenance of certain normal healthy body functions, such as hydration, focus and alertness.
Tea naturally contains zero calories, therefore, when it is used in place of higher calorie beverages as part of a healthy diet, it can help with weight control. In addition, regular tea drinking may help maintain cardiovascular health as part of a diet that is consistent with dietary guidelines. Research suggests that drinking 2 to 3 cups per day of black or green tea helps maintain healthy blood vessel function.

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