Product Description
EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is an important compound of massive use worldwide in laboratory, paper processing, food, drinks, and many other applications. Belonging to a class of chemicals known as chelating agents, EDTA is sold in industrial grade, pharmaceutical grade, and food grade types. Food grade EDTA is used as a supplement when added to food and is approved by the American Heart Association as a method for removing heavy metals from the body.TEST ITEMLIMTAPPEARANCEWhite crystalline powderрН 5% р-р 25°C2.6-3.2Purity %≥99.5%Clarification testTransparentSulfate≤0.05Chlorides, %≤0.05Heavy metals (as Pb) %≤0.001Chelate: mgCaCO3/g339 minNTA,%≤0.1Keywords:EDTA;EDTA Laboratory;Food grade EDTA;heavy metals;NTA.Baoding Kaiyue Chemical Co.,LTDTel:+86 03123220379Fax:+86 03133289655Copyright © 2016 Kaiyuechem Ltd. All rights reserved.