Min-Size Skin Care Beauty Equipment Smoothed Skin , Stimulate Blood Circulation

Product description

Product Description

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Min-Size Skin Care Beauty Equipment Smoothed Skin , Stimulate Blood Circulation


1.Galvanic Super Wrinkle Terminator

2.Skin clean & Replenish the Nutrition

3.GALVANIC electrical current beauty technique has a long history of dozens of years which is still

monly used in worldwide top-class beauty salons. so it is of great safety end efficiency


Outline and Function

Micro-current of low than 1000um can offer energy for many functional activities of cell. Nurse for skin in two ways:

Conduct in nutrition: Let lotion filter into skin and supply nutrition to skin direct; decompose melanin and remove fat with shake.

Conduct out impurity: Intenerate aging cutin surface, decompose lipin surface and conduct out impurity at the same time.

Battery inside, charge up

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