Quit Smoking Herbal Cigarettes

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Product Description


10 X 20 = 200 Per case

Black Swan’s Herbal Smoking Products


Bigarette & Co. (Herbal) started its way back on September 1999 with a single aim to offer something unique Tobacco & Nicotine free pure herbal smoking product, with a basic objective to offer a miracle harmless smoke to each and every smoker in the world; so that they can get rid from killer tobacco smoking, and those who are suffering can maintain and recover their health by getting benefit of this innovative herbal smoking product.


For more information click the link: http://www.herbalsmoke.in/



Certified Herbal Smoke All of our Herbal smoking products (Bidi, Bigarettes and Cigarettes) blended from CERTIFIED, TESTED and APPROVED herbs, characterized by consumer-oriented policy, advanced technology and a high standard of quality, which established its position itself at the top among all the other Herbal Smoking brands available in the market. Our herbal products will unfold Herbal Smoking Miracles and at same time it will help to maintain healthy life even if smokers wish to continue smoking.





Black Swan Pure Herbal Smoke – A Short Introduction


“Black Swan” itself is “Enigma” of unique smoking pleasure of “999” different aromas, try “Just-ONE” to pick up your “Temptation” and experience a unique smoking “Pheromones” that’s what all about “Black Swan”Pure Herbal Smoke !



After several years of assiduous effort we blended Substitute of Tobacco in 1999 – A great smoking choice of Pure Herbal “Non Tobacco substitute” is developed to enjoy a smoke without harm of Tobacco & Nicotine. Herbal Smoke appreciated by Class and self-confident smokers and Connoisseurs. It is good for all the occasions, pleasurable, better than tobacco smoke and not harmful to passive smokers. It may also help in quit smoking.


Herbal Smoke is a unique mixture of Pure Himalayan and Indian herbs, blending is based on two Herbal Ancient Health and Healing sciences “Unani and Ayurveda. The basic knowledge of Unani medicine as a healing system was developed by Hakim Ibn Sina (known as Avicenna in the West) and Ayurveda is India’s Proven Traditional Healing System. In old days several common and uncommon illness was regularly treated through way of smoke inhalation of various herbs, treatments like Acute sinusitis, Asthma, Lungs Cleaning, Internal Healings, Insomnia, Tension, Sneezing, Infections of the Upper & lower respiratory tract, Common Cough and cold, Rhinitis, Mind Relaxation, Nasal polyps, Common and acute Head ache, various ulcers, skin problems etc. In our herbal smoke we have used formulated Herbs which were used commonly in old health traditions by Unani and Indian Ayurvedic Health Sciences.



Even today, in India, most of the healthcare centers practice old and traditional method to cure various illnesses, click this link to review one of the research centre in Malabar-India;


LINK: /html/doompanam.php



Our main aim is to offer this product to serve mankind, by saving them from Health and Wealth disappointments, even if they wish to continue smoking this substitute is a “Harmless Smoke!” In very short time Black Swan’ Herbal Smoke became huge success, because of its unique blending specially unique pheromone blending, quality and workmanship with rich pleasure of smoking, not only in India but Worldwide.




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