UltraPulse RF-Excited CO2 Fractional Laser Machine For Deep Collagen Regeneration
Product description
UltraPulse RF-Excited CO2 Fractional Laser Machine For Deep Collagen Regeneration
Detailed Product Description:
Remarkable results: the excellent laser beam due to smaller and deeper spots.
Customizable treatment: customizable treatment for each patient based multiple modes.
Safety: low carbonization and hyperpigmentation.
Versatility: Broadest range of applications. It offers a variety of tips depending on various dermopathy.
Once for ado: Air-cooling enables the system once for ado, the main laser is guaranteed for 5 years.
RF-Excited CO2 fractional laser fires a laser beam through RF-Excited CO2 tube, which split into numbers of microscopic beam producing tinier dot than general CO2 laser.
The treatment tip can vaporize the outmost layer of skin across a large surface by creating thousands of tiny, microscopic laser wounds, spaced in an even pattern across the skin, but leaving areas of healthy, untreated skin between them, the lower collagen layer of the dermis is stimulated to renew and repair. Therefore, the heat of laser only passes deeply through the fractional damaged area, the surface of skin now only contains microscopic surface wounds instead of a large, red oozing burn. This allows skin to heal up much faster than if the whole area was treated.
With the fractional treatment, the evidence of ongoing healing and rebuilding process is more subtle, taking place in deep dermis ( where there are less pain receptors), leaving the protective epidermal covering much more intact. During the skin selt-resurfacing, a great amount of collagen is produced for skin rejuvenation. After some recovery, the newly-generated skin is remarkably smoothier, healthier and suppler.
Surgical cutting: General Surgery, Oral Surgery, Otolaryngology, Urology, Gynecology, Dermatology, Cosmetology;
Fractional laser scanning tip: wrinkles, scars and pigmentation, and deep collagen regeneration.
Fractional laser stamping tip: wrinkles, scars and pigmentation, and deep collagen regeneration.
(Note: with fractional stamping tip, you can easily update your laser to become fractional laser and get excellent result)
Laser type: RF-Excited CO2 Laser
Device type: UltraPulse fractional CO2 laser
Wavelength: 10.6µm
Output mode: UltraPulse or CW
Fractional type: scanning and stamping
Laser power: 30W/60W(Option)
Pulse energy: 0.1-200mj
Scan area: 20x20mm2
Spots density: 25-1600 spots/cm2
Dimension: 538x428x1120mm3
Weight: 50Kg
Trixel-II is a new RF-Excited CO2 fractional laser platform which can work as surgery
knife, scanning fractional and stamping fractional laser.
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