Reduce Deep Wrinkles CO2 Fractional Laser Machine , Single Pule , Repeat Pulse
Product description
professional CO2 fractional laser machine
CO2 fractional laser machine - Introduction
Fractional CO2 lasers can give people the skin that they want and do much good without any surgical procedures.This kind of CO2 laser resurfacing is one of the hottest cosmetic trends around the world.
The process of the machine is simple on the surface but slightly more complicated underneath.It through 7-joint articulated arm breaks up a beam into several smaller beams with space in the middle. The beams cause skin damage to an certain extent,After the skin will produce a lot of collagen and consequently leads to facial rejuvenation. Fractional CO2 is used mainly on the face and neck (and in other areas in special cases) to give skin smoothening and tightening, reduction in acne/traumatic/incisional scars. It has a little downtime (5-7 days of red “social downtime), but the patient is not in pain after the procedure and are not laid up in bed, miserable or uncomfortable.
CO2 fractional laser machine - Funtion
(For Skin rejuvenation)
1.Eliminate acne scar
2.Reduce deep wrinkles
3.Skin resurfacing
4.Improve skin tone
(For Cutting)
1.General Surgery
2.Oral Surgery
CO2 fractional laser machine - Adventage
* Steady and stable Laser Beam Quality
* Saving time with Fast Scanning
* RF tube and normal CO2 Mode available
* Multi Shape & Scanning Pattern
* User-friendly Graphic Interface
* Safety protection with automatic alarm
* 360 degree rotation with 7-joints articulate arm
* Micro-computer control,high definition of laser beam
Specification of CO2 fractional laser machine
Comparison photos
Product relative spare parts
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