Horse stall mat

Product description

Product Description


Horse stall mat

1. Thicknesses: 10,12,17mm

2. Dimension(length x width): 1.83x1.22m , 2x1m

3. Colours: Black

Horse stall mat 

The advantage of our mat:

•Smart, attractive pattern
• Hard - wearing & durable rubber
• Medium width fluted finish
• Slip resistant directional ribbed surface
• Impression finish anti-creep reverse
•Good floor to foot cold insulation properties




Tensile strength


Specific Gravity

Tear strength


Work Temperature


65Shore A







Produced by plate vulcanizing machine, finished through one or several processes procedure, fresh luster and no pollutions.

Our mat has gained acceptance at equine, livestock and animal industry all around the world. The benefits of reduced mucking out time, lower dust levels and improved hygiene have meant that more stables each year fit rubber.


Description:A 12mm thick (just under ½ inch) heavy-duty rubber mat designed for high impact, abrasive applications. The surface contains a honeycomb texture for a unique, aesthetically pleasing look, while providing excellent floor protection.
Material:SBR, Reclaimed and Recycled Rubber products
Mat Sizes:4ft. x 6ft., 80 lbs
3ft. x 4ft., 40 lbs
2ft. x 3ft., 20 lbs
Thickness:12mm or 0.48 inches (just under ½ inch)
Weight:3.33lbs per square foot
Hardness:60 Shore A Nominal
Flame Spread:Less than 0.50 inch Minute
Compression:36% @ 50PSI
Tensile Strength:600 PSI

Available Colors:Black

Applications:Athletic Arenas, Art Studios, Anti-Fatigue, Barns, Boats, Commercial Fitness Facilities, Doggie Day Care, Elevators, Farm Facilities, Sport Equipment, Floor Protection, Golf Course, Home Gyms, Ice Rinks, In-Line Skating, Industrial Applications, Locker Rooms, Pet Care, Runways, Shelving, Spike Protection, Soundproofing, Treadmills, Weight Rooms, Laundromats, Wash Rooms, Wine Cellars, Warehouse, Storage Rooms, Workshops.

 Horse stall matHorse stall mat




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Bonsun Industries Co., Ltd.

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