Sekiyama Nylon Braided Fishing Rope
Product description
Sekiyama Nylon Braided Fishing Rope for catching Tuna
1. Sekiyama with sinker line center core and without sinker line center core.
2. Nylon Double Braided Rope.
Sekiyama Nylon Double Braided Fishing Rope
8 braids, with sinker line center core.
With special resin treatment and coated
White, Red, Blue, Green, Orange and Yellow Colour.
2.5mm x 400 meters/ hank. 4.0 kgs/ hank. Test 200 kg. ( Sinker Line 0.80mm )
2.7mm x 400 meters/ hank. 4.2 kgs/ hank. Test 230 kg.
3.0mm x 400 meters/ hank. 4.8 kgs/ hank. Test 270 kg.
3.3mm x 300 meters/ hank. 4.2 kgs/ hank. Test 330 kg.
3.5mm x 300 meters/ hank. 5.0 kgs/ hank. Test 380 kg.
3.8mm x 200 meters/ hank. 3.2 kgs/ hank. Test 480 kg.
4.0mm x 200 meters/ hank. 9.0 kgs/ hank. Test 400 kg. ( Sinker Line 1.85mm )
4.5mm x 100 meters/ Hank. 5.0 kgs/ hank. Test 540 kg.
Packing: 5 hanks in a carton.
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