Product description
CHONG SEN TRADING CO. of "Royal Kopi Luwak "
Based in Indonesia we have been supplying genuine wild collected kopi luwak from Sumatra, Java and Bali for over five years. Our kopi luwak is sourced directly from coffee plantations and surrounds as Luwak scats (droppings) and we are the only site offering raw, unprocessed kopi luwak. We collect our own kopi luwak which is roasted in small batches, on demand, in our artisanal micro-roastery. Royal kopi luwak is only available directly through our site to ensure we maintain complete control over coffee.
Royal Kopi Luwak is a small boutique roastery based in Surabaya , Indonesia. We began as a rare seed business in the late 2005 ’s .
Royal Kopi Luwak is a small boutique roastery based in Surabaya, Indonesia. We began as a small quantities of kopi luwak on a daily basis, specifically on demand. This allows us to roast for each individual order, and to control the quality of kopi luwak purchased under the Royal Kopi Luwak brand. It also ensures that the kopi luwak you purchase from Royal Kopi Luwak is fresh, an important consideration when purchasing premium coffee.
Luwak is the Indonesian name for the Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus), one of several species of small mammals native to Africa and south east Asia. Musang is another generic Malay name for any cat or fox like animal and doesn't specifically refer to the luwak.
Civets have a long association with humans and the African civet was historically used as a major source of musk, the base fixative of many well known perfumes and one of the most expensive animal products known.
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