CNJ-A6 Air Laminator
Product description
The CNJ-A6Air laminator which is developped by CNJACKY Company is a highly efficient and intelligentPVC card making laminator.The temperature is controlled by the digital meter,which automatically carrys on all the processes of heating, keeping a stabletemperature , cooling. When the procedure is over, it will sound out awarning.The laminator is cooled by air.You can add pressure directly throughthe handle wheel.The machine is marverlous with a fine-looking appperance,stable performance, simple operation,advanceddesgining, reliable quality. High-quality heating and cooling elements makeboth heating up and cooling down well distributed,which avoids the wastescaused by excessive temperature differential because of the slow heating up andcool cast iron elements.Now it can laminate Non-contact IC & ID cards.
Lamination Area:100X120mm*mm
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