royal jelly pure honey with tongkat ali, panax ginseng honey
Product description
Formula: Eurycoma longifolia/tongkat ali, ginseng powder, royal honey.
Brand: OEM brand
Packaging & Shipping
Pacakge: 20g/sachet, 12sachets/box
he function about the royal honey:
No impotence, No infertility
An instant energy source.
Rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins, digestive and metabolic enzymes.
Enhances nutrient absorption and metabolism.
Supports the immune system.
For better body muscular build up.
Ingredients: Pure honey, mixture of rain forext herbs(ginseng etc.)
Such pure honey is recommended as a sugar substitute, especially
because of its high content of quickly assimilated fructose. Fructose
(40%) is a quick source of energy and does not need insulin to function.
The ginseng roots are full of therapeutic and nutritious functions for
healing and increased energy level. It is the most trusted ancient
herbal energizer that has been used to treat lack of libido and fatigue.
The active ingredients are ginsenosides. Ginsenosides support
endurance and enhance activity.
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