
Product description

Product Description

Product Brand: (greenly)

Product Name:

Chemical Name: DL-, DL-

English Name: DL-Methionine

CAS No: 59-51-8

Formula: C5H11O2NS

Molecular Weight: 149.21

Structural formula:

Physical Properties:

White thin crystal or crystalline powder, have characteristic smell, tiny sweet taste, and have optical activity. Melting point: 280_281° C (resolve), soluble in water(3.3G/100ml, 25° C ), pH 5.6_6.1 in 10% solution. DL-Methionine is stable to air and heat, and unstable to strong acid, soluble in dilute acid and diluted alkaline, insoluble in ethanol, and hardly soluble in ether. DL-Methionine can also cause de_methylation.

Use: DL-Methionine is biological protein synthesis skeleton amino acids. DL-Methionine is the necessary growth factors in livestock animal. It can also regulate animal's metabolism. It is already widely used in feed, medicine, food and cosmetics, etc. In the feed industry, the maximum dosage is DL-Methionine. It is used to strengthen feed nutritional. If you add 1kg DL-Methionine in feed, and its nutritional value correspond to 50kg fish powder. DL-Methionine addition was 0.5%_0.2% in the feed. In the medicine area, DL-Methionine is the major element in aminophenol transfusion and compound amino acids. And also can used in synthetic medicinal vitamin. DL-Methionine has anti-fatty liver effects can be used to produce liver drug. In the food area, DL-Methionine is used for food's amino acids and health food processing. And also used as nutrition supplement.

Packaging: Products is packed in plastic bag, each bag is 25kg net weight. The bag should divide into three layers, the outer layer is polyethylene composite cloth, the central layer is Kraft paper, and the inner layer is low density polyethylene film. Or according to the user's requirements and also conforms to safety rules/standards valid in our country in packing.

Storage: Store in a cool, dry, ventilated warehouse. When storing large goods, you should install conductive balance equipment, and prevent the accumulation of static electricity charge. Product should be prevented from solarization, humidity and rain. Strictly forbid with the toxic substances mix to luck.

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Dahuachem Corp

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