Syzygium buxifolium strange shape

Product description

Product Description


size from 50cm to 5 meter, bonsai Form, good looking and old bonsai trees with good quantities

      Syzygium buxifolium is Every green and cold hardy plants, Normally used as shrubs and bush and trees, we cultivate the Syzygium buxifolium into good bonsai trees, with different size from 50cm to 5meter, and good form, it very old bonsai trees, which have very high value for ornamental and has already been one of the best gardening bonsai trees. and we have start exporting many quantities to Europe Market.

      Greenworld Nursery Co.,Ltd supply those bonsai trees with very good price and we have many quantities in stock in North of China and our loading area will be in Guangzhou and Foshan City. if you are interested in this new species bonsai trees, please feel free to contact us or visit us. for more pictures. please visit our website.

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Foshan Greenworld Nursery Co., Ltd.

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