Product description
Durum Wheat as per following Spcfs
Weight 78 Kg / hl Min
Protein content 13% Min dry basis (Nx 5,7)
Moisture 12,5 % Max
Vitrosity 85 / 90 %
Broken grains 3,0 % Max
Foreign kernels 1,5 to 2,0 % Max
Soft wheat grains 2,5 to 3,0 % Max
Insect damaged kernels 0,3 % Max
Ergot 0,5 % Max
Residues International Standard Limits
Radioactivity 10 Bq - Kg - Measurement CS - 134 - BC 137 - RU 103
Toxic remains of Pesticide Should not exceed CODEX
Gmo Free
Unnatural odour flavor and color NIL
Packing Bulk
Origin EU / Seller's Choice
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