5 Gms Black Mint Candy

Product description

Product Description

Product Description

Menthe Noire candy is one of the popular candies from our production stream, a highly successful mint flavoured candy. The Icy, strong and Minty” candy is widely adored by consumers. An instant success when launched, the product continues to generate record sales in the African market. Storage in transit and at point-of-sale is no hassle since the ingredient blend withstands high temperatures without compromise on the taste and quality experience. Purposeful sterile packaging further ensures freshness of the product.

Packaging & Shipping


Grams / Pcs / Pkt

No of Pcs

Quantity / Carton

Quantity / 20 Ft ctnr

Quantity / 40 Ft ctnr

300 Gms

97 - 100 Pcs

20 Pkts

2200 Ctns

4500 Ctns

260 Gms

97-100 Pcs

20 Pkts

2500 Ctns

5200 Ctns

150 Gms

48 -50 Pcs

40 Pkts

2200 Ctns

4500 Ctns

150 Gms

48 -50 Pcs

50 Pkts

1800 Ctns

3600 Ctns

130 Gms

48 -50 Pcs

40 Pkts

2400 Ctns

5200 Ctns

130 Gms

48 -50 Pcs

50 Pkts

1950 Ctns

4200 Ctns

 5 Gms Black Mint Candy5 Gms Black Mint Candy5 Gms Black Mint Candy


 5 Gms Black Mint Candy

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