Powder Coating Copper Nanoparticles

Product description

Product Description

 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copper nanoparticles with great catalytic activities can be applied to biosensors and electrochemical sensors. Redox reactions utilized in those sensors are generally irreversible and also require high overpotentials (more energy) to run. In fact,Website: , the nanoparticles have the ability to make the redox reactions reversible and to lower the overpotentials when applied to the sensors.One of the examples is a glucose sensor. With the use of copper nanoparticles, the sensor does not require any enzyme and therefore has no need to deal with enzyme degradation and denaturation . Depending on the level of glucose, the nanoparticles in the sensor diffract the incident light at a different angle. Consequently, the resulting diffracted light gives a different color based on the level of glucose . In fact , the nanoparticles enable the sensor to be more stable at high temperatures and varying pH, and more resistant to toxic chemicals. Moreover, using nanoparticles, native amino acids can be detected . A copper nanoparticle-plated screen-printed carbon electrode functions as a stable and effective sensing system for all 20 amino acid detection. Description
 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copper (Cu) Nanoparticles, nanodots or Nanopowder are black brown spherical high surface area metal particles. Nanoscale Copper Particles are typically 10-30 nanometers (nm) with specific surface area (SSA) in the 30 - 70 m2/g range and also available in with an average particle size of 70 -100 nm range with a specific surface area of approximately 5 - 10 m2/g. Nano Copper Particles are also available in passivated and in Ultra high purity and high purity, carbon-coated and dispersed forms. They are also available as a dispersion through the AE Nanofluid production group. Nanofluids are generally defined as suspended nanoparticles in solution either using surfactant or surface charge technology. Solvents include organic phosphate ester media, ethanol, and mineral oil. Nanofluid dispersion and coating selection technical guidance is also available. Other nanostructures include nanorods, nanowhiskers, nanohorns, nanopyramids and other nanocomposites. Surface functionalized nanoparticles allow for the particles to be preferentially adsorbed at the surface interface using chemically bound polymers.

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Gerhold Chemetals Co., Ltd.

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