19 Inch LCD 6D Movie Theater
Product description
Compared with other types of cinema, 6D cinema adopts high technology, highlighting themes and impressive impact in the stereo movie. With the increasing requirement of the amusement market, the development of video amusement technology is also rising. Viewers can experience shocks, falls, rises and other effects in some 4D cinemas, while in the 6D cinema, they are able to experience different kinds of fresh features such as lightning, snow, water spraying, wind blowing, bubble, smog, leg sweeping and many other funny effects, which are not included in our 4D cinema.
6D motion chairs are the most important parts in 6D cinema. They move according to the film story. The motion chairs contain many effects which are controlled by the computer. The main difference between 4D and 6D cinema is that there is only wind blowing and dynamic system in 4D cinema while 6D cinema contains more abundant unique effects controlled by the computer such as falling, shaking, blowing, water spraying, rotating, yawing, pitching and rolling.
Therefore, the chairs can mobilize the perceptual system of the viewers and make them really come into the plots. This makes the viewers feel the scene closely and enjoy a completely new experience.
For the moment there are three kinds of motion chairs. They are pneumatic system, hydraulic power system and servo motor system. The pneumatic chairs are of the lowest price, but the quality is not good enough. Chairs of this kind are fit for the use of large cinemas. Comparatively, the price of hydraulic chairs is moderate, and the quality is also favorable. These chairs, whose life is one to three years, are widely used in normal cinemas. The servo motor chairs are the most expensive ones, and of course, they are of the best quality.
Competitive Advantage:
Pneumatic Chairs
The structure of pneumatic chairs is simple and portable, so is its installation and maintenance. For reason that the pressure grade of pneumatic system is low, it is much safer than the hydraulic system. The working medium of this system is the air, which is inexhaustible and free of charge. It is pollution free but the electricity consumption is too much, and the energy conversion rate is very low. Generally, the initial cost is low but the utilizing cost is much higher. Meanwhile, the dependability of these chairs is not so satisfactory, and their working life is influenced a lot by the cleanliness of the air and the using frequency. The pneumatic chairs are of the lowest price, but the quality is not good enough. Chairs of this kind are fit for the use of large cinemas.
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