Gingko Biloba Extract

Product description

Product Description


a.100% Natural Gingkgo biloba extract powder & water soluble

b. Right quality & price

c.Free sample & fast delivery

Products: Ginkgo Extract

Extraction parts: leaf

Latin name: Ginkgo biloba L.

CAS No: 489-32-7

Form: powder

Ingredient: ginkgo flavone glycosides

Chemical formula: C15H18O8

Molecular weight: 326.3

Grade: Medicine grade, food grade.

Extraction type: Solvent extraction

Appearance: Light yellow brown fine powder

Specification: HPLC 6%, 24%

Test method: HPLC

Gingko Biloba Extract


ItemSpecificationTest Result
Assay ginkgo flavoglycosides

≥ Ginkgo flavone Glycosides 24%



Terpene Lactones 6%

Ginkgo flavone Glycosides 24.39% ,



Terpene Lactones 6.10%

Terpene Lactones
DescriptionSlight Yellow powderConformed
Mesh Size100% pass 80meshConformed
Ash Content≤5.0Conformed
Loss on Drying≤5.0Conformed
Heavy Metal≤10ppmConformed
Residue of PesticideNegativeNegative
Total Plate Count≤1000cfu/gConformed



Main Functions:


1. Mainly used as memory and concentration enhancer, and anti-vertigo agent;


2. Increase blow flow to the blood vessels for better blood circulation to the various organs of the body;


3. Blood fat and dense amelioration; anti-cardiovascular disease; Anti-aging, eliminate free radical.


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Company profile

Greenutra Resource Inc. (Dalian)

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