Hong Kong Meibao took part in Guangzhou HOSFAIR for 12 years
Product description
The12th biggest Guangzhou International Hospitality Equipment andSupplies fair will be held in theChinaimport and export exhibitioncentre from June 26-28 in 2014. Meibao metal company’s booth will reach nearly54sqm which from No.357-359,396-398.
Meibaometal company aims at producing golden tableware for senior hotels andrestaurants overseas. All products need to go through a process that includescasting, welding and polishing,then become the senior treasure for customers. Theynot only offer high quality products, but also provide good service toconsumers. Meibao company always deliver on time, provide after-sales servicetesting and free warranty which win a ninternational reputation.
Itis said that HOSFAIR in Guangzhou, Xi’an and Shenzhen thathosted by Guangzhou Huazhan Exhibition Company gained good praise from people.Guangzhou Huazhan Exhibition company owns plenty of exhibitors and visitors’information that will build a solid foundation. More and more enterprises willjoin in HOSFAIR in Guangzhou, Xi’an and Shenzhen.
The12th Guangzhou HOSFAIR will gather lots of famous companies, with 10exhibition areas include kitchen and catering, tableware, hotel furniture,interior supplies, hotel textile, intelligence, clean and laundry and wine,coffee and food. There are more than 2000 exhibitors with 200000 new productson show which it is a one-step stage for purchasing and negotiating. Manyfamous institutions such as Guangdong Cuisine Association, Guangdong StoneMaterials Association, The Federation of Hotel Owners, Guangdong KitchenCommittee, Asia Pacific Hotel Supplies Association and so on and it issupported by China Hotel &Catering Supplies Special, Association Small& Medium Enterprises UnitedMacau, and other famousmedias. After more than 10 years operations, Guangzhou HOSFAIR in June hasbecome the biggest and best hotel equipments and supplies fair in the industry,it is the first choice for customers.
This year Meibao warmly welcome new and oldfriends’ visiting to 12th Guangzhou Hospitality Equipment andSupplies Fair on June 26-28, 2014.
Contact: GuangzhouHuazhan Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Add: 9H, Jinsui Tower,No.900 Guangzhou AveMid, Guangzhou, 510620,China
Tel: (8620)-38910875 / 38866778 / 38867122
Fax: (8620)-22223568
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