Guangzhou International Hotel Equipment & Supplies Fair stereometric formula comprehensive

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The annually biggest hotel equipments andsupplies fair in the middle of the year will be held on June 26th to28th, 2014. It will take place in theChinaimport & exportexhibition center, area A. The fair will create a new mileage in hotel industryand provide the best service to exhibitors, they base on the concept ofcreativity, cooperation, preparation for the fair. They are aim to build up theworld’s leading exhibition that with the most visitors, best effect in thehotel industry.

Toensure that the entire industry's influence in this exhibition and the effectof the exhibitors, as the organizers ,GuangzhouHuazhan Exhibition Co., Ltd,itwill be more effective  than ever before.

First, hotel supplies industry professionalmedia propaganda cover large area, medias are such as Today Hotels,  China Hotel Purchasing Newspaper, HC hotelnetwork, HC clean nets, China Hotel Magazine, China hotel supplies & supplynetworks,  Chinese and foreign hotel ,E-shang consulting.

Second,in order to promote this exhibition better and more comprehensive, theorganizers publicize it through many people including residential outdoormedia, building frameworks, television broadcasting, newspapers and othermedia.

The 12th Guangzhou International Hotel Equipment& Supplies Fair is organized by Asia Pacific Hotel Supplies Association, Guangdong, Hong Kong Hotels Association general manager,Specialty Coffee Association of China, Guangdong Cuisine Association, GuangdongKitchen Committee, Guangzhou, China Exhibition Planning Co., Ltd., Shenzhendomestic authority City Exhibition Co., Ltd.Together to create a hotel supplies industry professional event. After years ofcareful cultivation, the exhibition has become the world's fastest growing,with the most buyers and one of the largest hotel supplies exhibitions at homeand abroad

"The 12th Guangzhou International HotelEquipment & Supplies Fair (HOSFAIR Guangzhou 2014) include kitchen cateringequipment supplies, hotel furniture, hotel textiles and hotel uniforms, desktopsupplies, hotel intelligent products, cleaning equipment, supplies, room lobbysupplies, wine, coffee equipment, supplies, food and beverage catering tenexhibition totally. The fair include nearly 2000 exhibitors, more than 200,000kinds of hotel supplies showcase for hotel supplies dealers and buyers toprovide one-stop sourcing and trading platform, they get support and welcomefrom hotel supplies manufacturers.


Contact: Guangzhou HuazhanExhibition Co., Ltd

Add: 9H, Jinsui Tower,No.900 Guangzhou AveMid, Guangzhou, 510620,China

Tel:  +86 20 38910875 / 38823251 / 38866965  

Fax: +86 20 22223568


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Guangzhou Huazhan Co., Ltd.

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