Greenhouse for Professional Growers and Cost Effective Vegetable Production
Product description
In H2 hydroponics, we aim to provide solutions for our clients. We manufacture greenhouses, design hydroponic systems and provide complete coverage and assistance for any hydroponic project.
We have a network of growers and consultants worldwide. We can provide effective solutions for your weather conditions and production targets in a sustainable and profitable way.
Please feel free to contact us for a personal assessment of your project; we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Multi-span or single-span greenhouses. Hot deep galvanized Z275 grade steel structure. Reinforced columns 80mm x 80mm x 2mm thickness.
Motorized side and roof windows; insect screen coverings on all openings (mesh 40 and 50).
Motorized shade cloth; aluminum fabric and 55% shade.Trellising system for vine crops (Optional).
Long life poly-film coverings; 200 microns and multilayer technology. Difused light, UV cut, antifog, IR treated and excellent light transmission according to your zone. Polycarbonate and PVC rigid coverings available upon request.
Hydroponics and Climate Control Technology
H2h Central Hydroponic Controller, programmable, multi-sectors and sensors for EC, pH, moisture and solar radiation. It can operate under different fertilization and irrigation regimes. Auto/manual options.
H2h Central Environment Controller, programmable, multi-sectors and sensors for temperaute, wind speed, wind direction, air humidity, solar radiation and rain; external weather station included. It opens/closes windows, thermal curtains, shade screens and operates circualtion/exhaust fans based upon target parameters.
We design and validate our H2h Hydroponic Systems for Tomato, Peppers, Cucumber, Strawberries, Lettuce, Salads, Herbs and other Vegetables. We design, propose and build hydroponic systems for your production needs. In H2 hydroponics we have the technology, expertise and will to guide you in your intensive production systems.
Knowlede, experience and personal assistance for your needs and inquiries. We have a worldwide network of growers, technicians and engineers ready to get solutions for your project. We can supply Supervision, Training and Consulting worldwide.
All in all, we are more than suppliers, we are solution providers and we look forward to assisting you.
Please feel free to reach us at your earliest convenience.
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