Product description
Chemical Name: 5alpha-androstan-17?-ol-3-one
CAS No.: 521-18-6
Chemical Formula: C19H30O2
Description: white crystalline powder
Specification: Enterprise standard
The main androgen which is secreted by the testes is of course testosterone. However, in most of the body, the androgenic sign is not carried through by testosterone. In these tissues inluding brain (CNS), skin, genitals - practically everything but muscle - the active androgen is actually dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
Stanolone is use for chronic wasting disease, osteoporosis, severe infection and trauma, burn, etc caused by the negative nitrogen balance, promote the growth of premature infants and immature, etc. The fracture is not easy to heal. Hypercholesterolemia and postpartum depression can also be used.
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