
Product description

Product Description


Chemical Name: 5alpha-androstan-2-oxa-17alpha-methyl-17beta-ol-3-one

CAS NO.: 53-39-4

Molecular Formula: C19H30O3

Molecular weight: 306.4

Appearance: White or almost white crystalline powder

Standard: USP28

Usage: A synthetic, anabolic steroid. Used to promote muscle growth and combat involuntary weight loss. It has also been used to treat cases of osteoporosis.


Anavar has often been called a weak steroid. Part of the reason for this is that use of a Class I steroid alone never is maximally effective. The other cause is that bodybuilders and authors in the field sometimes make unfortunate and unreasonable comparisons when judging anabolic steroids. 

Oxanabol(Anavar, Oxanabol) has given optimistic consequences in taking care of anemia and hereditary angioedema. Proven studies though have given links linking expanded use of the medicine and problems of liver toxicity like to those found with additional 17α-alkylated steroids. Yet in little dosages, numerous patients shown gastro-intestinal troubles such as bloating, nausea, and diarrhea. Oxanabol(Anavar, Oxanabol)`s specificity targeting the androgen receptor predestined that, unlike lot other steroids, it had not been seen to give stunted development in teens people, as well at usual measure not often observed clear masculinising reactions external of stimulating strength growth. Oxanaboldoes not aromatize at any measure, and is not without problems ingested into DHT or estrogen. As such, a typical dose of 20-30 mg offered eminent androgen levels for up to eight hours. To enlarge use, bodybuilders classical "stacked" the Oxanabol(Anavar, Oxanabol) with others such as , advance enhancing corp power increase.





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