colo-3172 Gas powered curing oven
Product description
Outside dimensions: 9.84ft long x 5.5ft wide x 6.56ft tall
outside dimensions: 14.76FT long x 6.88FTwide x 7.54FT tall
Operating temp: 150F to 450 F max.
Burner : 200 000 kcal, Italy Riello burner
Electrical : Three phase / "single phase optional at additonal cost
Controls: Dual digital controlers / Bake timer with audiable alarm main disconnect ,plug and play simplicity
Air circulation : Forced air circulation
The majority of the air is recirculated through the heat system, while a small amount of air is exhausted to the outside atmosphere to meet code requirements.
Heat box: Side wall mount or rear mount
Oven is shipped fully assembled just mount heat box /
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