United Kingdom Nursery Rhyme DVD With Book 1

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Product Description

Specifications: We\'\'re producing nursery rhymes DVD and book. Volume one contains 4 set of DVD and book. The DVD contains animated cartoon, musical notes, interactive DVD games and question answer session which you can play with DVD remote control. The book with DVD contains same nursery rhymes with colorful cartoons, history of that nursery rhyme, question answer and muiscal notes. This is a good tool for children to learn English rhymes and it keeps them entertain as well. Baa, baa, black sheep Bobby shaftoe\'\'s gone to sea Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son john Ding, dong, bell Frere jacques Girls and boys, come out to play Half a pound of tupenny rice Hey diddle, diddle Hickory, dickory, dock Hot cross buns Humpty dumpty sat on a wall Little bo peep Little jack horner Little miss muffet Old king cole Old macdonald One, two, buckle my shoe Rub a dub dub Sing a song of pence Six little mice Ten green bottles The queen of hearts The wheels on the bus Three blind mice Twinkle, twinkle little star

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