Product Description
Specifications: We\'\'re Producing Nursery Rhymes DVD and Book. Volume one contains 4 set of DVD and Book. The DVD contains animated cartoon, musical notes, interactive DVD games and question answer session which you can play with DVD remote control. The Book with DVD contains same nursery rhymes with colorful cartoons, history of that nursery rhyme, question answer and muiscal notes. This is a good tool for children to learn English rhymes and it keeps them entertain as well. Cobbler Cobbler Mend My Shoe Cock A Doodle Doo Early To Bed, Early To Rise Good Night, Sleep Tight Here Is The Church I Had A Little Nut Tree I Love Little Pussy I See The Moon Incy Wincy Spider It\'\'s Raining, It\'\'s Pouring Jelly On The Plate Lavender\'\'s Blue Dilly, Dilly Miss Polly Had A Dolly Oh Dear, What Can The Matter Be One Finger, One Thumb One Potato, Two Potato Oranges And Lemons Pat A Cake Ring A Ring Of Roses Rock A Bye Baby Row, Row, Row Your Boat Solomon Grundy The Owl And The Pussycat This Little Piggy Went To Market Two Little Birds Sat On A Wall