Based on PC platform, Update on line is with bluetooth.origianla tool.
ADS-1 All Cars Fault Diagnostic Scanner
ADS-1 is a Full-line vehicles fault diagnostic scanner based on PC desktop and laptop platform. It can test cars manufactured in Asia, America and Europe countries. It supports all kinds of vehicle communication modes.
Product Feature:
Hardware is compatible with kinds of pc, both desktop and laptop.
Software is compatible with all operating systems.
Can test cars from Asian, European, American countries.
Supports a variety of automotive communication protocols including CAN bus.
On line update and free for three years.
Software update monthly and the update time only take several seconds.
Two diagnostic ways: wireless and wired.
Data analysis free choice. All hardware and parts repair and replace at cost price.
Dynamic data recording and playing back function.
Physical parameter:
Work voltage: 12V
Power: 5W
Ambient temperature:-40℃-40℃
Relative humidity: Less than 90%
Recommend reason:
Compatible with your PC-Cut hardware cost
High price-performance ratio
Anti copy function——security
Strong function——recording and playing back
Software update warranty——update monthly