Lab Scale Vibro Sifter
Product description
Lab Scale Vibro Sifter
Vibro Sifter are circular gyratory screens used to separate solids from solids and liquid from solid. Vibro Sifter consists of Specially Designed Motor mounted vertically at the center of the base plate of the Screen. The Screen is in between feeding hopper and bowl. The material is fed on to the centre of top screen. The undersize material passes rapidly through the screen during its travel to the periphery. The over size material get continuously discharged through a tangential outlet. This is achieved by specially designed Vibratory Motor along with eccentric Top and Bottom Weight.
Working Principle:-
The top weight on the motor shaft rotates in a plane close to the centre of the mass of assembly. Rotation of the top eccentric weights creates vibration in the horizontal plane which causes material to move across the screen cloth to periphery increasing the horizontal throw, causing oversize material to discharge at a faster rate.
The bottom eccentric weight rotates below the centre of mass creating tilt on the screen giving vibration in vertical and tangential plane. Increasing the vertical component of motion, this promotes turn over of material on the screen surface helping maximum quantity of undersize material to pass through the screen. Rugged Springs placed over the circular motor base amplifies the vibration
Special Feactures:-
-Faster Separation due to springs
- Multi deck models available
-Same sieve as used in Mechanical sifter.
-Lesser Maintenance and Power Consumption than Conventional Sifter.
-Simple & Compact construction.
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