USES OF AUMFRESH ORGANIC CERTIFIED POMEGRANATE KERNELS - Pomegranate fruit is an abundant storehouse of important nutrients.
- Pomegranates are a source of necessary vitamins and minerals.
- As with many fruits, pomegranate seeds are low in calories and rich in fiber, providing only 83 calories and 4 g of dietary fiber per 100 g serving.
- Pomegranate seeds are a good source of two essential vitamins, C and K.
- It helps make the haemoglobin in the blood which means it improves the blood in the human body.
- The juice of wild pomegranates yields citric acid and sodium citrate for pharmaceutical purposes.
- Pomegranate seeds are rich in specific polyphenols, such as tannins, quercetin and anthocyanins -- all of which may offer both heart health and anti-cancer benefits. As powerful antioxidants, polyphenols may improve healthy cell survival, induce cancer cell death and prevent tumor growth.
- Pomegranate seeds are rich in photochemical, which are substances, found in minute quantities in plant foods that fight disease.
- Pomegranate seeds are also used in salads and also used in dressings for various desserts.