Argentina Inactive Soy Flour

Product description

Product Description

Specifications: Micronized soy flour inactive - description: Beige fine powder. - granulometry:50,90,120 & 200 microns - trypsine inhibitors: Inactive. The enzymatic activity has been cancelled by heat. - taste: An improvement in taste is achieved by canceling the enzymes during grinding. The undesired components of the soy taste are lost, therefore, bread and similar products has an acceptable taste. - presentation: Bags of 25 kg. - product useful life:12 months - uses Sweet bakery, bread products Puddings, cakes, donuts Biscuits Puff/danish pastry Pre-pizzas Dry pasta Cold meat/sausages Milks Soups - amount of product used The amount is calculated differently according to what product is being made and how significant are the desired effects. Soy flour replaces regular flour in a 1:1 mass ratio (by adding 2 kg of soy flour to the mix you should remove 2 kg of regular flour) - recommended dosage:5% to 15%. > features and advantages of inactive soy flour: - inactive soy flour is a completely natural product due to the fact that it is a primary product and it is not a product of soy-oil, where it is common to find toxic solvent residues. - it is free of gluten. - it has practically no starch. - it has lipoxidase, which has a bleaching effect on the dough. With 90 % of dispersible protein, it has high enzymatic activity and it is used as a bleaching agent for the inside part of bakery and to get a more uniform and toasted color on the crust. - because of having a protein content of 43% it increases the protein content of the final produce. - it has a greater capacity to absorb water which increases the efficiency of all baked products. It absorbs 2 parts of water for every part of whole fatted soy flour. - this water absorption helps the final produce to keep fresh longer. - soy proteins have excellent properties as emulsifier, helping any added fat be incorporated into the dough and making it easier to take off the mould the final produce. - thanks to a greater amount of lysine and valine, it can compensate an aminoacid deficit in cereals. > economic advantages of inactive soy flour - it increases efficiency and storage life of the final produce. - partially replaces egg and milk. - partially or fully replaces emulsifiers and moisture retainers. - partially or fully replaces enzymes added for technological purposes. - its enzyme content makes the dough easier to handle and helps yeast to raise more rapidly.

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